
ホーム > 当園について > 紀要 > 紀要2010 広島県植物誌補遺(英文)

紀要2010 広島県植物誌補遺(英文)


1. Since the 1997 publication “Flora of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan”, a significant number of new vascular plant records have been compiled for Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan.
2. Based on previous literature, herbarium specimens and our recent investigations, an additional 174 vascular plant taxa, including infraspecific taxa, are confirmed for Hiroshima Prefecture. These comprise three species of pteridophytes and 171 species of seed plants.
3. We verifi ed the presence of 37 species of an unconfi rmed 157 species in the original publication from localities in the prefecture. References to recent literature reporting on the various species are also given.
4. The species of vascular plants enumerated in the present investigation total 2,771: 306 species of pteridophytes and 2,465 species of seed plants; of which 396 species are non-native.
