
ホーム > 当園について > 紀要 > 紀要2009 アキノタムラソウ亜属の広島県新産種(英文)

紀要2009 アキノタムラソウ亜属の広島県新産種(英文)

Notes on the species of subgenus Allagospadonopsis Briq.(Lamiaceae), recorded in Hiroshima Prefecture Summary

Tetsuya Sera・Shigeo Takasugi・Kazue Takeuchi・Sayoko Wakaki・Yukio Yoshino

A taxon of subgenus Allagospadonopsis Briq. which was clearly differed from Salvia japonica Thunb. was found to be growing naturally in Hiroshima prefecture for the first time. The taxon had characteristics implying not only Ser. Japonicae but also Ser. Appenciculatae. The chromosome number of the plant was determined as 2n=16 and it showed the same chromosome morphology as the other taxa of the subgenus. It was suggested that the taxon should be important in order to clarify phylogenetical relationships among taxa of the subgenus.

