
ホーム > 当園について > 紀要 > 紀要2008 広島県産ラン科植物に関する新知見(英文)

紀要2008 広島県産ラン科植物に関する新知見(英文)

Tetsuya Sera・ Genjiro Ishida (The Hiroshima Botanical Garden)
Notes on Orchidaceae in Hiroshima PrefectureSome new knowledge about 16species of wild orchid in Hiroshima Pref. was reported. Epipogium roseumLiparis odorata and Vexillabium nakaianum were recorded for the first time in Hiroshima Pref. Another habitats of 12 species and a very rare form of Galeola septentrionalis were newly introduced.
