
ホーム > 当園について > 紀要 > 紀要2002 湯ノ山渓谷(広島県)の森林植生-岩峰と山腹斜面に発達するアカマツ群落とマツの枯死状況-(英文)

紀要2002 湯ノ山渓谷(広島県)の森林植生-岩峰と山腹斜面に発達するアカマツ群落とマツの枯死状況-(英文)

Yoshino, Y. (Towa Kagaku Co.,Ltd.)
Inoue, N. (The Hiroshima Botanical Garden)

The forest vegetation in Yunoyama Gorge, Hiroshima Prefecture, S.W.Japan
– The pine forest communities and death rate of the pines on rocky sites and mountainsides –

The phytosociological investigation of the forest vegetation of the Yunoyama Gorge, Hiroshima Prefecture was carried out. 16 vegetation units were recognized in this area. Pinus densiflora – Rhododendron mucronantum v. ciliatum community was recognized on the rocky sites and Pinus densiflora – Rhododendron reticulatum community was recognized on the mountainsides. Pinus densiflora – Rhododendron mucronantum v. ciliatum community was subdivided into 8 vegetation units and Pinus densiflora – Rhododendron reticulatum community was subdivided into 5 vegetation units. Dicranopteris linearis and Vaccinium bracteatum, which are selected as diagnostic species for the coastal type of the Pinus densiflora forests (Toyohara 1981) were seen in very restricted location in Yunoyama Gorge. The ratio of the number of the dead pine trees was not more than 30% in the investigated area.

